Friday, March 18, 2011

Vegetables 101 class

Learn the keys to successful vegetable growing on the Front Range including tips and tricks to make your gardening life easier. Colorado’s climate realities include a short growing season, cool summer nights, dry air, erratic late spring and early fall frosts. Soil conditions add another gardening challenge.

The guiding hand of you, the grower, makes all the difference in adjusting growing conditions to achieve results. Come learn when and how to intervene to produce the vegetables you want for fresh eating and preserving.

Instructor: Carl Wilson, writer of Front Range Food Gardener
and CSU Extension horticulturist in Denver
For: Beginning to intermediate gardeners

Dates: Saturday, March 19, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

repeated Saturday, April 16 2:30 to 4"30 p.m.

Location: 200 Santa Fe Dr., Denver

Click to Register: Denver Urban Homesteading

Cost: $25

Photo credit: Seedlings in spring garden before thinning, Carl Wilson


  1. I've just found this blog and it is so informative!! I'm looking for information on straw bale gardening. I didn't find any mention in the archives, though I certainly may have missed it. I am in Colorado Springs and we have planted a small vegetable garden the last few years, but with limited success, so thought we might try planting in straw bales this year. Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks!

  2. Straw bales have been reported to work with crops like potatoes. Older straw that is decomposing probably holds more moisture than new straw. Do make sure to be attentive to the watering. Some people place a soaker hose or drip emitter on top the bales. Poor physical conditions of soil can be a reason for lack of vegetable growing success and raised beds or perhaps straw bale growing could get around that.
