The Front Range has varied topography, elevations, location in relation to nearby mountains and microclimates. Every season is different as temperature and rainfall vary through the growing season. A tomato variety that performs well one year may not the next.
For example last season (2016) many people complained that they had few ripe tomatoes by late summer. Summer heat was likely to blame for poor pollination and fruit set. Denver had 44 days from June through August with temperatures over 85 degrees F, temperatures where blossom drop is likely. Greeley had 68 days.
Fortunately we had a fall with extended favorable temperatures so gardeners had time to ripen late-set fruit.
Not only temperatures too high to set flowers but also night temperatures too low are a factor. Our neighbors to the north in Cheyenne had 52 nights in the June to August 2016 period with temperatures under 55 degrees F, poor conditions for pollen viability and pollen tube growth to set flowers. Denver had 16 nights in the same period and Greeley 33.
While it's challenging to choose tomato varieties to grow in our Front Range conditions, the good news is that there are lots of varieties out there and more every year.
My recommendation is for short season varieties (80 days to maturity in Denver, 70 days or less in Cheyenne). Varieties with northern adaptation are also good candidates. These might include Russian heirlooms such as 'Azoycha', 'Aurora', 'Anna', 'Alaska', 'Paul Robeson', 'Black from Tula' or German 'Gardener's Delight' , 'Blondkopfchen' and 'Bloody Butcher'.
Also hybrids such as 'Northern Exposure', 'Juliet', 'Parks Whopper', 'Big Beef', 'Summer Girl' and 'Fourth of July'. New this year is an All America Selection winner 'Midnight Snack', a cherry type that is touted as an advance in flavor for purple types.
Hybrids from crossing heirlooms are also gaining popularity and include 'Brandy Boy,' 'Big Brandy', 'Genuwine' and 'Perfect Flame'.
I also recommend a mix of varieties including both heirlooms and hybrids. Chances are that if one doesn't perform well under this year's weather conditions, another will.
Photo credit: Windowsill tomato starts - Carl Wilson