If you haven't investigated the world of Asian greens, they will surprise with their versatility and tastiness. The striking appearance of many are a welcome addition to the garden. Cool season types such as those mentioned here can be planted now.
'Brisk Green' pak choi |
Pak choi (a.k.a. pac choi, bok choy, Chinese celery cabbage, Chinese white cabbage)
Brassica rapa var chinensis, is generally a cool season vegetable though improved heat tolerance has been bred into some. The green leaf stalk types like 'Shanghai' and particularly the F1 varieties 'Mei Qing' and 'Brisk Green' with more heat and bolt resistance are good candidates for us. They can be sown in place and the young greens cut in 20 days while thinned plants left to mature in 45 or 50 days depending on variety. Pak choi may be eaten raw, stir fried, grilled, steamed or added to soups.
Pak choi 'Brisk Green' bolting mid-June |
Seed of pak choi is available from general seed companies such as
Nichol's Garden Nursery and
Territorial as well as specialty Asian vegetable seed suppliers like
Kitazawa Seeds. Sow directly in the garden in April and again in early July for a fall crop. As with other cabbage family members, flea beetles and cabbage caterpillars can be troublesome. Try floating row cover fabric to screen them out.
'Indian Red Giant' mustard |
Asian mustards,
Brassica juncea, are fast growing cool season crops. A particular beauty is 'Indian Red Giant' mustard, 40 days to maturity or half that time for baby salad greens. This maroon leafed plant forms a welcome addition to lettuce or spinach mesclun mixes and can also be used as wilted greens and in soups and other cooked dishes. The peppery flavor and texture of the leaves are very different than American mustards. Originally thought to come from India, it is popular in many places in Asia. Seed can be obtained from local Broomfield based
Botanical Interests.
Photo credit: All story photos credit Carl Wilson
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